
Wyświetlanie postów z marzec, 2018

Who, or what is to blame for obesity in today's world?

    There are many factors, responsible for obesity in today's world. Firstly, healthy food is more rare and more expensive than unhealthy food, so people get it more often. They don't really care about their diet; things, that are usually more important for them is how good does it taste and how quick can it be prepared. Secondly, not doing physical activities regularly. With the new technology, people seem to forget how important is to excersice oftenly. Even a simple walk can be very good for you. Lastly, fast food being very popular. The reason, for its popularity is, that it's cheap, tasty and you don't have to wait long, so it's a good way to go, if you don't know what to eat for dinner. But fast food, like burgers and fries, contains a lot of fat, so it shouldn't be eaten too often.      To sum up, we can't blame anything else, than lazyness and lack of awerness of people.