
Wyświetlanie postów z październik, 2018


    Few days ago there were elections to local governments in Poland. The thing that really made me concerned was the frequency of people who voted. It was just 52,15% and it was actually the best score since the fall of communism in Poland. It truly bothers me why just a half of the country goes to vote and I wonder what could be a reason for the other half not to go there. I mean, are there SO many people who don't care about the welfare of their country? I know that for some people neither of candidates meets their expectations, but I think at least voting on the "less evil" is better than not voting. I think not voting is kind of an ignorant attitude. And for example in Spain or Germany the average frequencies are above 70% and I wonder what makes their frequencies so much better than ours. Is Poland a society of ignorants?


        Yesterday I read an article about how the amount of people having depression has increased over the course of 30 years. It made me think of how people with depression could handle it back then, when the social awerness about this disease was at a very low level. These days you can easly get help and you won't be excluded from the society if you claim that you have depression, but back then people weren't aware of this problem and most of times considered persons with some depressive tendencies as weirdos, losers or even sluggards. Also getting help wasn't very easy if it even was possible and usually (at least in Poland) the methods of curing it would propably be pretty rough with no understanding and tolerance at all. I am wondering if there were more suicides because of that, or maybe there was actually more of examples in which somebody has just self-healed, because they kind of had no other choice.