Homeopathy Explained – Gentle Healing or Reckless Fraud?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HslUzw35mc - link to the video

    The video goes around a topic of homepathy. Firstly, the speaker explains what homeopathy actually is. It's an alternative way of treatment, which bases around the placebo effect. Homeopathic "medicines" are made of mostly water and contain extremely small amount of ingredients that are usually not even proved to have any healing capabillities. Yet, somehow it has got to be the most popular alternative treatment and in many cases helped, where normal medicine failed. That shows us how big of a thing, the placebo effect is and how much  just pure belief in one thing can change. The video also suggests what normal medicine could learn from homeopathy, is that it should start looking at patients as individual beings, not just numbers.

Words I didn't know:
to dissolve - Shake the vial gently to dissolve the powder, avoiding foaming.
dilution - The extreme dilution is supposed to make the ingridients more potent.
remedies - Someone got over a horrible disease, using homeopathic remedies.


  1. The problem is that homeopathic 'medicines' cost a lot of money (considering that they are just sugar pills) so the whole idea is morally questionable.
    When you say "The video goes around a topic of homepathy", you suggest that the video AVOIDS this topic.


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