
Wyświetlanie postów z kwiecień, 2018

Would you like to spend a week in Mandarian Oriental and why?

   Well, to answer this question I need to know, wheter I'm paying for my stay ther, or not? If I am not then why wouldn't I want want to? It would be great to take a break from a boring school life and spend some time in a luxury hotel. Staff members 24 hours a day upon request plus many other goodies, really make you feel like a lord. For sure, it woulld be nice to have that experience for awhile. But if I had to pay for that, I would propably refuse. I think this experience is a little bit overpriced, also I think I would invest my own money in a better way, than in a hotel stay. So, to answer this question shortly, if I don't have to pay, then yes, If do - no.

Is the fact that things last much shorter nowadays really so bad?

   I think the fact that things last much shorter really is bad. Habits like "rather buying the new item instead of fixing the broken one" are only showing our consumerism and they are really bad from an ecological point of view. One reason for this is propably the fact, that items, like technological gadgets and devices are purposely being made with a lower quality, so they will break or lower their efficiency sooner, so you will need to buy a new one. The other reason is that some brands become trendy and people who follow those trends will feel the necessity to buy the newest version of a certain product, just becouse the one they have is old and not trendy anymore. , even though it works just fine and has most of the necessary features, if not all of them.    All in all I think, this fact will continue to be a big problem in our world in the nearest future. People don't seem to like changing their habits too often.  

Why do people believe in supernatural things if they have science?

    I think, there are many explanations, it really depends on a person and what he/she is beliving in.     Some people just find things like ghosts, demons etc. intriguing, it gives them a little taste of adrenaline. In case of the religion, some people belive in God/Gods just because their parents taught to do so and not beliving in that religion is seen as abnormal in the society they are living in. They don't want to be uniqe. In a lot of situations religion can also make your life easier. You can pretend like you are actually not alone with your problems, because "God is with you and he guides you through your life". There is also a quite big interest in astrology in today's world. The reason for that is propably because it gives you the ability to kind of look into the future. It may also make your life easier, because now you can find reasons why things are not going well in yor life, for example "MERCURY RETROGRADATION".      Honestly, it really is