
Wyświetlanie postów z czerwiec, 2018

What do we learn about modern society from "The Joneses"?

    I think the most important thing this movie teaches us is, that human's need to be accepted is very strong. Looking at Larry, we can easly tell that he really needed to participate in that race of richness. Unfortunately he couldn't keep up, which resulted in his suicide. Also, Steve is a good example of that need of acceptance. It looks like he was a very lonely guy and the only reason he decide to take this job was, so he could feel like he has a family. He quickly realised that pretending is not good for him and that what he was doing had bad consequences.

Does art have to be beautiful?

    Honestly it depends on what you define as beautiful. There can be many other beautiful things about an art piece than the actual art piece itself. The history behind it, what influenced the artist to make it and what did he/she try to tell by it are just a few examples. Personally I like when a piece of art is really trying to trigger some strong emotions and makes me have a lot of thoughts in my head.    To sum up, art doesn't have to be beautiful in an obvious way, but there is a bigger chance people will like it, when there is something beautiful about it.

Would you consider going vegan?

    To be honest, I was thinking a lot about going vegan, but I haven't decided yet if want to do it or not. My parents are vegetarian, so I do have a bit of knowledge of how it is to not eat meat. It isn't that bad as some people think it is, vegetarians/vegans still have a lot of options in what to eat and their meals can oftenly be very good. The amount of vegan/vegetarian friendly restaurants is also growing. There are a lot of good consequences of going vegan and it is also very healthy, but only if your diet is well balanced. But for me it would be quite a challange to go vegan, since my diet consists of a lot of meat; hardly often I have a day without eating meat and really, I just like the taste of it. If I was trying to do that, I would definitely start from going vegetarian in the first place. But to do so I would need a lot of motivation and dedication.  In the near future I am not planning on going vegan/vegetarian, but maybe some day I will try.

Letter of application

    Dear Madam,     I am writing in response to your advertisment on the website. I would be grateful if you would consider my application for the vacancy as a shop assistant.     I am seventeen-year-old-high school student and I am interested in this position. This would be a perfect opportunity for me to gain some working experience and also have some time to decide in which side I want to push my career to, while I will not be wasting time at home, but actually earn income.     Although I have no formal work experience, I'm a quick learner, so I will not have problems with a cash register as an example. I would describe myself as quiet, but polite and always helpful. I don't have problems with contacts with people at the base level, so I think this job really suits me.     If you wish me to attend an interview, I am available at any time. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing from you.     Yours faithfully,      Kacper Wasiński