Would you consider going vegan?

    To be honest, I was thinking a lot about going vegan, but I haven't decided yet if want to do it or not. My parents are vegetarian, so I do have a bit of knowledge of how it is to not eat meat. It isn't that bad as some people think it is, vegetarians/vegans still have a lot of options in what to eat and their meals can oftenly be very good. The amount of vegan/vegetarian friendly restaurants is also growing. There are a lot of good consequences of going vegan and it is also very healthy, but only if your diet is well balanced. But for me it would be quite a challange to go vegan, since my diet consists of a lot of meat; hardly often I have a day without eating meat and really, I just like the taste of it. If I was trying to do that, I would definitely start from going vegetarian in the first place. But to do so I would need a lot of motivation and dedication.  In the near future I am not planning on going vegan/vegetarian, but maybe some day I will try.


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