
   My brother started the first grade of elementary school this year. Today, he asked me to help him with a school task. He had to learn the entire Polish national anthem by heart, because he's got an oath ceremony next week. When I was helping him to repeat I started thinking, is the national anthem so important, that a 6 six years old child has to know it by heart? He can't have a sheet with him on the ceremony and he has to sing all 4 verses. Isn't this a little bit too much for a child, who can't yet read too well? Shouldn't he be spending this time on something more developmental? He doesn't know basics of maths yet, he can't write too good, but at least he knows the whole national anthem by heart. I may sound like I'm over-exaggerating and it's such a difficult thing for a child to learn, which isn't true, in fact it didn't take my brother that long to memorize it. But I still think it is a little bit too much, I mean what would be a problem if children were singing from a sheet?


  1. One thing is to memorise it but still another is to understand what it is about. And it's certain that a first grader cannot possibly know who Bonaparte or Czarniecki were and that the Swedes invaded us in the 17th century. What is the point in learning something you don't comprehend?

  2. Whenever I hear about something like this happening, I feel like these kids are forced to love their country, rather than choosing to do so by themselves. How do you know what a child really feels if you do something like this for his entire childhood?


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