
 link to the video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3Xv_g3g-mA&t=330s

The video discusses the topic of loneliness; what is it and why it hurts us so much, how does it harm us physically and how we can deal with it. So, loneliness is actually a part of our biology and has roots way back when the human race started evolving. Back then, social needs were an indicator of how likely you were to survive, because being together ment survival, you practicly couldn't live alone. To avoid getting excluded of the group, our body came up with "social pain", a sort of early warning system to make sure you stop behaviour that would isolate you. That is why loneliness is painful. In the modern world these mechanisms for keeping us connected work less efficiently due to our lives being very busy and overloaded with information. We meet fewer people in the person and less often than we usted to. We also have less time to spend it with friends. Studies have shown, that the stress that comes from chronic loneliness is very unhealthy, it makes you age quicker, it makes cancer deadlier, Alzheimer's advance faster and your immune system weaker. To deal with loneliness, you shold firstly accept, that it is a totally normal feeling and nothing to be ashamed of. To try to get rid of its cause you can self-examine if you aren't selectively concentrating on negative things. Try not to assume all the people are against you. It isn't easy and takes some time, but you don't have to rush. If that still doesn't work you can always reach for proffesional help from a therapist, it isn't anything to be ashamed of.

Words worth mentioning:
vast - Today, we move vast distances for new jobs. - syn. huge, extensive
to yearn - Some people yearn for a return of monarchy. - syn. to long for, to pine
receptive - They were both extremely interested and receptive to my ideas. - open-minded, resposive


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