
    For all the years in school, I had this big problem, that on the tests from some subjects, especially maths, I could pretty much never finish the test in time, which resulted in not doing tasks that I usually would be I able to do, if I had just a little more time. Nowadays I stil have this problem and it came to the point, that on the math tests I lose at least about 20-25% points because I can't make it in time and usually I would be able to do these tasks if I had more time. It leads to a reflection, why does the school put such emphasis on our timing? Is the time so important? Isn't knowledge enough?


  1. Sometimes timing does matter - when you have to take a decision quickly, you have to perform some mental operations (like some calculations) automatically, without thinking too much. Also, if you work 25% slower than other people, shouldn't you be paid 25% less or work 10 hours a day instead of eight for the same pay :-)?
    Seriously, you should work on this issue because the matura exam has a clear and challenging time limit.


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