
    When the summertime ended I was not happy about coming back to school. I thought that it will be the same nightmare, the last year was for me. But after a week of school, I am surprised of how good I feel. In the second grade of high school you lose a lot of subjects completely in order to have more hours of the subjects, that you chose to expand. It means, that most of my classes are the ones I actually like! I even enjoy doing my homework now, because it's pretty much only maths and physics, sometimes English. Thanks to all that, I feel genuinely more motivated to study and to go to school frequently. Hence, I think that maybe it would be better if students were having these profiled classes even earlier in their "students' careers", but I don't know, maybe it's just good for me.


  1. I think it just makes much more sense to study something in depth and thoroughly. It's also easier to focus on fewer subjects. But I wouldn't go as far as to say that we should start such specialisation much earlier.


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