Why are alt-right politicians like Bolsonaro becoming more and more popular?

    I  think this tendency has many causes that are very situational for a certain country or region, but in a lot of these situations you can say, that it is because the left side governments failed their people at some point. The "Bolsonaro situation" is an example of that, but it can also be compared to Polish situation (although on a much lower level of radicality), where the more liberal government was considered by a big part of the society to be thieves who do nothing and take money for it and so the more radical right wing party was elected. Also these radical politicans (as example Bolsonero or Trump) are oftenly persons with charisma and power and they are capable of doing radical changes without hesitation, which for a big part of societies of the countries that aren't doing well is what they need, because it gives them hope for a better future.


  1. The former Polish government was neither left-wing nor liberal (compared to Scandinavia or France).
    I don't see much charisma in the Polish right, so I'm not buying this argument.


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