
Wyświetlanie postów z marzec, 2019


 link to the video - The video discusses the topic of loneliness; what is it and why it hurts us so much, how does it harm us physically and how we can deal with it. So, loneliness is actually a part of our biology and has roots way back when the human race started evolving. Back then, social needs were an indicator of how likely you were to survive, because being together ment survival, you practicly couldn't live alone. To avoid getting excluded of the group, our body came up with "social pain", a sort of early warning system to make sure you stop behaviour that would isolate you. That is why loneliness is painful. In the modern world these mechanisms for keeping us connected work less efficiently due to our lives being very busy and overloaded with information. We meet fewer people in the person and less often than we usted to. We also have less time to spend it with friends. Studies have shown, that the stress

Homeopathy Explained – Gentle Healing or Reckless Fraud? - link to the video     The video goes around a topic of homepathy. Firstly, the speaker explains what homeopathy actually is. It's an alternative way of treatment, which bases around the placebo effect. Homeopathic "medicines" are made of mostly water and contain extremely small amount of ingredients that are usually not even proved to have any healing capabillities. Yet, somehow it has got to be the most popular alternative treatment and in many cases helped, where normal medicine failed. That shows us how big of a thing, the placebo effect is and how much  just pure belief in one thing can change. The video also suggests what normal medicine could learn from homeopathy, is that it should start looking at patients as individual beings, not just numbers. Words I didn't know: to dissolve - Shake the vial gently to dissolve the powder, avoiding foaming. dilution - The extreme dilution is supposed to make the i

Is organic food really better than conventional food? - link to the video.     The authors of the video ask a question, wheter organic food is truly better than conventional food. To answer the question they break it into 2 smaller questions: is organic food healthier and is it better for the environment? The evidence about the organic food being healthier is mixed, but overall, there are only small differences in nutritional value, so the health benefits of the organic food aren't very sigificant. When it comes to the impact on environment, organic food takes more land to produce, while more ecotoxicity comes from the production of conventional food. In the authors' opinion these results show, that conventional food actually has slightly smaller impact on the environment. In conclusion it's more important what you eat, than how it was produced. Words, I didn't know: noble - The motivation to buy organic food is clearly noble . on the fence - Scientists are still on t