Is organic food really better than conventional food? - link to the video.

    The authors of the video ask a question, wheter organic food is truly better than conventional food. To answer the question they break it into 2 smaller questions: is organic food healthier and is it better for the environment? The evidence about the organic food being healthier is mixed, but overall, there are only small differences in nutritional value, so the health benefits of the organic food aren't very sigificant. When it comes to the impact on environment, organic food takes more land to produce, while more ecotoxicity comes from the production of conventional food. In the authors' opinion these results show, that conventional food actually has slightly smaller impact on the environment. In conclusion it's more important what you eat, than how it was produced.

Words, I didn't know:
noble - The motivation to buy organic food is clearly noble.
on the fence - Scientists are still on the fence about antioxidants.
residue - The majority of samples have no residues of pesticides.


  1. I wonder how they define 'organic' - there seem to be a lot of controversies here.


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